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Nicole Wu


by Nicole Wu, Regular worshipper at International Christian Fellowship (ICF) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

I would like to share my testimony of knowing God, being loved and saved by Him.

Before Jesus

Five years ago, I got to know Charis, a sister-in-Christ, through her English club. Charis had shared with me about God. God loved mankind so much that He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for our sins on the cross. I had given much thought about Jesus. Was it real that someone was willing to forgive our sins? Was Jesus real? Was He truly good like that?

I did not have a happy childhood; I was hurt badly since I was young. I was looking for someone to love me to fill that wounded part in my life. However, I had not found any love that could fill my wound.

Why Jesus?

Whenever there were problems, I would use my own knowledge to solve them. But I knew these problems were not solved in the best way; the problems were actually ignored or overlooked.

On 23 October 2022, I attended a church and met other brothers and sisters-in-Christ: Daniel, Deborah, Claudia, David, Victoria, and Natalie. We went to the coffee shop together and there, they helped me to understand the Gospel clearly; it was the greatest love of God for us. The plan God has for each of us is special. The free gift of salvation that God gives us is valuable! That day, under Deborah and Claudia's guidance, I surrendered my life to Jesus and prayed to receive Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.

There were many times God had lovingly protected me, yet I still ran away from Him. This time, I did not run away anymore; I sought God. I could talk to God about all my problems and God would give me the best answers and solutions. I know God wants the best for me. I believe that God loves everyone. I believe there is a purpose, a plan for my life. My life will not pass by wastefully. I believe God is real because after many times of “running away”, He still brings me home.

I have been discipled by Deborah to know more about God and grow in Him. When I decided to be regular in church, I found myself growing as a Christian. I am learning so much from the Bible through my leaders. I enjoy my time with other sisters and brothers-in-Christ as I learn more of my relationship with God and the church.

After Jesus

I prayed to be baptised. In my heart, I desired to be closer to God, to have a deeper relationship with Him, and to please Him always. After praying, Deborah told me that I could receive the baptism earlier than what I planned for on Easter 2023. God had answered my prayer by allowing me to be baptised by Pastor Leslie on 18 December 2022.

Two weeks before my baptism, I was intensively attacked by Satan. I was having a constant fever, sneezing, coughing, and headache. The night before my baptism day, Deborah again reminded me to come to church early. Because I was feeling sick, it took me a lot of time to get ready just to get out of the house, and it was not early. On top of that, there was heavy traffic on the way to church. I prayed as I rode my bike, “Dear God, I will receive my baptism today. Please open the way for me to get to the church on time. Father, please clear the road and protect me on the way. I place today in Your hand so that You will bless and make this day beautiful for me. All glory be to You. I pray in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.” After that, the way to church was truly cleared and I got to church on time and safely. Thank God!

For the next two weeks, the attack continued and it was even harder. I had to change the medication three times. Every day, I prayed to God and believed that He would certainly heal me from the sickness and give me good health.

I had sleeping problem for a long time. I had shared with Deborah and she guided me to pray. I prayed and declared that all anxiety in my mind and all chains to be broken. I was no longer tied by sins; I am free in Christ. I forgave the person who hurt me because I was forgiven by my God. I prayed to God every night before going to bed and my sleep was surely protected by Him. God is so good; I have been sleeping well without nightmares, and without interruption during the night. God has protected me and healed my every sleep. I am deeply grateful because of His love for me.

I have seen myself growing in the Lord a lot through Pastor Leslie's sermons, through Aunty Linda's and Deborah's guidance, and through our Life Group. Now I have a healthy relationship with everyone in the church just like I am a member in my family.

Praise God that I have found the answer to my emptiness. God is the missing piece that fills the emptiness of my heart. When I have Him, I do not feel empty anymore. God is the right “person” I have been looking for, the one who loves me unconditionally. Now I have God with me to help me face any problem. I am sure that He will always listen and answer me!


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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1 commento

02 gen

Dear Nicole, Thank you for sharing your journey in Christ. Praise God for His mercies that led you to a deeper relationship with Christ in the midst of the challenges that you had experienced. I am so glad that you feel very much like a member of a larger family in the Life Group and Church. May the Lord bless you as you grow in greater intimacy in Christ. Blessed New Tear 2024!

Mi piace
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