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Be an MMS Intercessor



MMS invites you to sign up and become an INTERCESSOR with us and pray alongside us. You will receive our "PrayerConnect" prayer booklet every four month and our "Pray for MMS in 60 seconds" prayer email regularly about once a month.




MMS provides widening opportunities in the harvest fields - evangelising, equipping and nurturing new believers, making disciples, establishing mission endeavours, and church planting.


We believe it is God's timing for The Methodist Church in Singapore to move up to the forefront of missions. With more Spirit-led 'open doors' before us, let us step forward to join other Methodists in missions to touch and transform lives of those needing the Lord Jesus Christ.


DELIGHTERS FELLOWSHIP is a special group of volunteers who are willing to be used by God - to bring His blessings with a greater potential at a larger extent of outreach!

Join us to be our DELIGHTERS today!




The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS is serving, we continue to be needful for the following:

Full-time missionaries. We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers.
Short-term workers who are able to spend between two weeks and six months to help our missionaries. Please raise your own financial support.
Prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries.


What to do if you sense the LORD calling you into His mission field:
Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions.

 If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to support – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away at 64784818.

 If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling but are unable to provide full financial support for you – call MMS anyway! Some of our missionaries are supported by the combined efforts of multiple Methodist churches, agencies, and individuals.



  • Personnel needed (whatever talents, skills, experience, age, etc.) to empower local Cambodians especially children, youth, young adults in varied ways including disciple-making in our different ministries (COSI, COSY, Hope House, different Hostels, etc.)

  • Secondary and primary school teachers to teach as well as empower teachers at the Methodist School of Cambodia especially in English, IT, Science, Mathematics, Mental Health awareness, etc.

  • Financial Support for more than 200 underprivileged children (about a quarter of enrolment) studying at the Methodist School of Cambodia through the SSS programme.

  • Online ministries to teach, befriend and empower local Cambodians.

  • Prayer and financial supporters for pastors of the Methodist Church of Cambodia, whose income is below the national minimum wage.


  • A missionary with a passion and commitment to serve in our Diaspora Missions (DM) to reach out to Chinese tertiary students (华侨 & 华裔) on campuses. One who loves the Lord and has a passion to engage tertiary students and initiate outreach activities to bring them the good news and to disciple believers. The missionary will be based in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  • Trainers to conduct leadership development and counselling courses.

  • Church teams to engage communities through community services and development projects.


  • Full-time staff (single or married couple) to serve in Singapore Mission School (SMS) and to develop partnerships and community development with the churches and communities in Laos.

  • Kindergarten, Primary, and Secondary school teachers familiar with the Singapore curriculum to teach at SMS. Teachers may either serve a one-year term or longer to teach English or other subjects, or provide short-term courses for teachers’ development for one week to two months.

  • More SSS supporters and partners to support and participate in our outreach projects such as the Vientiane Home hostel ministry.


  • Donors and sponsors for Sophia's Home girls who are continuing their studies in the various disciplines in the local university in Kathmandu. This enables them to complete their professional studies, be financially independent, serve their communities and MCN.

  • Trainers to conduct online or on-site developmental training on Discipleship, Spiritual Leadership, Financial Stewardships, Administration and IT.

  • Donors and sponsors for the needy youth within MCN to continue their tertiary education. This enables the future development of MCN financial stability and self-sustainability.


  • Short-term helpers to organise camps, programmes and activities for BB, GB, Children’s, and Youth ministry at our Methodist churches.

  • Qualified Kindergarten and Primary level teachers to conduct teachers’ training at Vineyard Methodist School and Little Candles School. Focus areas are English and Mathematics.

  • Mission teams to conduct evangelistic events, community services, etc with our Methodist churches.

  • Missionaries and teachers who can teach our Thai teachers English.


  • Families in Singapore willing to open their homes to host Timorese students on internships in Singapore (different durations ranging from 2 weeks to 1 year).

  • House parents for student hostels: Missionaries to serve in Sundermeier Home (high school students) or Dunamis House (tertiary students).

  • Volunteers to serve as short-term house parents for 1-2 months when missionaries return to Singapore for home leave.

  • Volunteers with vocational/business skills to partner with St Paul Methodist School to offer short-term training workshops or longer programmes.

  • Primary and Secondary school teachers to serve for 1 month to 1 year in SPMS, to do teacher training and build general staff capacity.

  • Volunteers experienced in Hotel Front Office or F&B Services willing to teach a one-month vocational course between September to November this year.


  • Mature Christian to come as tentmaker to help International Christian Fellowship (ICF) grow a small group. And be willing to be trained, learn, and understudy at ICF.

  • Volunteers to provide short-term relief teaching or organise learning camps for private school and home for children (kindergarten/primary level). A team to consist no more than four people.

  • Teach English at Sunrise Girls Shelter, Lotus Girls Shelter, or Sunlight Boys Shelter during the holidays.

  • Qualified TEFL / TESOL teachers; Business entrepreneurs to set businesses (e.g. Crematorium or Language [English/Mandarin] tuition centres) by providing capital investment and advice/guidance, and using their businesses to give job opportunities to other Christians as well as to bring in ministry staff/tentmakers from Singapore under their business umbrella.

Exploration of New Geographical Missions Partnerships (NewGMP)

  • MMS is exploring collaborative partnerships with local Methodist churches in countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar.

  • If the Lord is leading you to serve in places beyond the seven countries where MMS has some form of ministry, please get in touch with us.




AT HOME (in Singapore)
You can also come alongside as DELIGHTERS at home to encourage and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ to make a difference in the mission fields.


Communications and Publications
• English-Chinese Translator.
• Photographer or Videographer.
• Graphic Designer.
• Web Designer.


Administrative and Events Management
• MMS Event Coordinator.

• Member of Fund Raising Team.

• Member of Fellowship Mailer Team.


Resource Development 
• Be a sponsor through the Student Sponsorship Schemes.


For more information about these opportunities, contact us. Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.

(The above opportunities to serve are extracted from Harvest Force 2024 issue 2.)




Familiarise yourself with the Missionary Application Process. Please fill in the Initial Enquiry Form and email or post it back to us. And we will contact you shortly for a preliminary conversation with you.

Be a Missionary



MMS Missions Internship Training and Exposure (MITE) is a programme designed to send believers to the mission fields for 1 to 6 months. It is an opportunity to give your best to God!


Click on the image above or CLICK HERE to find out more about MITE.



If you are interested to find out more about the different fields, please email the respective persons at these email addresses:

Cambodia MMS
East Asia - MMS
Laos - Li Chun
Nepal - MMS
Thailand - Jeremy
Timor-Leste - Cheryl
Vietnam - MMS

These are some useful resources if you are going on a mission trip:


for currency convertor.


for world time

zone convertor.


for weather

around the world.


for electrical plug types in the world.

Please let us know if there is other useful resource for mission trippers. Thanks!

mission trip
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