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Mee Prang

God Hears Our Prayer

by Janphachanok Takom (Mee Prang), member of Christ Methodist Church, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

I came from a close-knitted family. My protective parents worked hard as farmers in the rice field and sellers in the marketplace to raise all six children. I am the third child. But when I was 11 years old, my family faced many problems. My parents quarrelled and my father had a mistress. During that difficult period, I constantly encouraged myself to press on in life.

When we were older, my younger sister told me about God, and since our family was broken, we must find a way to build a better future. Together with my two young children, we went to church to know more about God and His teachings. However, I stopped going to church as I had to leave for another city for work. I was not a Christian yet but I remembered saying simple prayers and believing that God will hear them.

While staying in a rented house in Khon Kaen, my sister and I prayed that we could afford to buy a house. After praying, she received a job offer and invited me to work with her. Moreover, someone else offer us a good paying 3-month work. Because of that, my sister could buy a car and eventually a small house each in Khon Kaen. Indeed, God hears our prayer!

One day, we met Ps Mook and Ps Jut who were new in the community. They asked if we have any children or grandchildren who would be interested to join the childcare centre and participate in children activities such as learning languages in the church. It was as if God knew my thoughts and provided the church right at our doorstep. We were in fact thinking of enrolling my grandchildren in a school and engaging them with activities during their free time.

Life became better as I know God more and I placed my faith and trust in Him subsequently. As God is my only Lord and Saviour in my life, I removed all the idols in the house and followed Jesus single-mindedly. My grandchild attended Little Sheep Childcare Centre in church and is now in primary school. Both my grandchildren also put their faith in Jesus and are actively participating in church activities on weekends. Recently, my daughter also received Jesus as the Lord and Saviour in her life. I thank God for His grace and goodness upon my family.

As I read the Bible and prayed in the morning, I thought of my daughter and wanted her to read the Bible too. Strangely, when I tried to send out various text messages, I could not send out any message to anyone except Bible verses to my daughter. I think the Lord is reminding me to disciple my daughter to walk faithfully with the Lord.

Truly, if we believe, we will receive according to the riches of God’s goodness in His perfect timing. In good or bad times, I believe that the Lord is with us. All praise and thanks to Him!


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1 Comment

Jan 20, 2022

Dear Mee Prang, Thank you for sharing. Indeed, we praise God for answering our prayers, offered in faith, and trusting that in His good time, He will act. All praise be to His Name. Take care. God bless you, your family and ministry at Khon Kaen, Shalom.

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