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Thaksin Charoensiri


by Thaksin Charoensiri, Member of Christ Methodist Church, Khon Kaen, Thailand. He serves in the worship team, and he is a youth lay preacher.

Hi, I am Thaksin Charoensiri. I am a Christian since young. However, I did not really know God nor did I feel like wanting to know Him. In fact, I felt that life was not very exciting with God. As a result, I tried to pursue many things in this world in order to feel happy and excited.

Instead of finding happiness, I encountered with many problems.

In the midst of these problems, I decided to return to the Lord and put my trust in Him instead. And I surrendered my problems to the Lord.

After I surrendered my life totally to the Lord, I finally saw the purpose of my life. Now I live my life with Jesus being at the centre of it all. Indeed, God must come first in all that I do. I have decided that, through what I do every day, I want others to come to know Jesus too.

I am only starting to know God. I still have many weaknesses and struggles. But this is the start of my journey towards holiness. One day, when God calls me into full-time ministry, I hope I will be ready to obey the Lord and say, “Yes Lord, I will go!”


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Dear Thaksin, Praise God for leading you towards Himself. Glad to learn that you are discovering life's purpose in Christ. May the Lord continue to lead and guide you as you serve His mission. The peace of Christ be with you always. Shalom.

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