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Mak Hai

Refuge and Peace

by Mak Hai, Member of Antioch Methodist Church, Cambodia.

Mak Hai was a victim of domestic violence. She suffered much pain and anguish under her drunkard husband for many years. Once, he even used a chopping knife to hit her head. She endured many nightmares under him.

She saw that her husband was not changing. Instead, he went from bad to worse. Then, she decided, for the sake of her children and herself, they had to get away from him. The police and the women’s rights protection organisation were not able to help or rescue her from her daily fear and torment under him.

It was then that she heard about Community Outreach Service – Immanuel (COSI) and decided to take her children there to seek refuge. She made a long journey to COSI where her three boys were admitted while her daughter stayed with her. The kind-hearted village chief offered her a hut to stay and she worked for the missionaries as a cleaner to earn her keeps.

One day after staying in COSI for a while, Chanthon, her youngest four-year-old son, came to visit her. He told her that she should not worship gods made of stone and urged her to attend the Sunday worship at COSI so that she could worship the true God. Out of love for her son, Mak Hai started to attend the Sunday worship at COSI. Eventually, she came to know Jesus as her Lord and gave her life to Him.

With the help of a donor, she bought a piece of land and a house next to COSI. After they moved in to stay, an evil spirit disturbed her and her daughter every night. The evil spirit, in the form of a huge dark figure, would appear three times a night to disturb them. They were very terrified and felt helpless. One night, after the evil spirit’s disturbances, she heard a voice speaking right into her ear saying, “Pray to Me and I will help you.” She started to pray earnestly to God. Not long after, the evil spirit left them and they enjoyed peace ever since.

Now, Mak Hai is a fervent witness for the Lord. Once a week, together with the pastor and missionary, they would visit the villagers. She is gentle and caring to the sick. And she will not stop sharing the gospel with whomsoever she meets.


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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Mar 15, 2022

Dear Mak Hai,, Thank you for your sharing. Praise God for leading you to COSI and meeting new friends who introduced Christ to you and your children. Your testimony on prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit in overcoming trials and evil is encouraging and inspiring. Keep up that great spirit of loving and serving Christ. Blessing to you and your family. Shalom.

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