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Updated: Nov 7, 2023

by Tom, Member of Rangsit Methodist Church, and serving at Dontanin Preaching Point, Thailand.

When I was 15 years old, I learnt about God because my mother invited me to her church at Udon Thani. Subsequently, my whole family came to believe in Jesus. Later, my family moved to Bangkok due to work and we started to attend Rangsit Methodist Church. Soon after, we became members of the church and I was baptised when I was 17 years old.

However, after that, I backslid and stopped attending church. I also started my own family. My wife was then a non-believer and she was not interested in attending church. During that time, the only thing that could make my family and me happy was money and more money. My wife and I worked very hard in order to earn more money to make ourselves happy. At that time, I thought I was successful because I had a house and a car. And I could get whatever my family wanted.

However, there was a time when everything changed within the family. I was addicted to spending money on travelling and drinking alcohol, and spending time with friends. I was also heavily addicted to drugs. During that time, my wife and I quarrelled more and there was no joy within the family. I started selling things that were of value in the house; I sold the car and any other things that I could possibly sell in order to buy drugs and alcohol.

One day, we returned home and realised that our water and electricity supply had been cut off. At that moment, I really pitied my wife and children that they had to go through such difficult times with me. My wife cried and hugged my mother. She said to her, “Can you ask your God to help us? We do not want to be in such a situation anymore!” At that point, my mother cried too and told us, “God has answered my prayers! For the last ten years, I have been praying that my son and his family will come back and seek God again.”

My family then left everything behind and stayed with my parents in Rangsit Methodist Church. And so, my wife and I went back to church again.

I thank God for leading my wife to believing in God and she received Jesus into her life. After that, life in the family began to change for the better. As for me, God helped me to quit all addictions and to return back to Him again. God did a miracle in my family through the help given by our brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

There was a time when I had the opportunity to serve God in Rangsit Methodist Church through The Boys’ Brigade (BB) ministry. The time spent serving in the ministry helped me to decide that I wanted to offer myself to serve God full time. As a result, I am now studying in the Bible seminary in preparation to be a pastor.

The time spent serving in BB made me see the importance of obeying the Great Commission of God to preach the good news and to disciple others to grow in the ways of the Lord. It also made me see the importance of building the next generation of leaders in various places who will offer themselves to serve God.

Lastly, I want to thank the various leaders, brothers, and sisters around me who have supported my journey. They have given me strength through much encouragement. And I am also very thankful to my family and wife who constantly pushed me to excel in my duties and responsibilities. Last but definitely not the least, I thank God for looking after my life and I believe that God will continue to use me in His work on earth.

Note: Tom is now in the final year of Bible seminary and is also serving at the Dontanin Preaching Point on weekends. He and his wife are trained BB officers. His wife is working as an assistant-teacher at our Christ Methodist Church (Khon Kaen) Nursery and is currently studying to get a teaching degree.


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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1 Comment

Nov 06, 2023

Dear Tom, Will God hear us when we needed help? Absolutely. That was your experience of the Lord who heard your cries together with the prayers of your family and church. Praise Gid for His love that endures forever. Glad that you are enroled at a seminary, in preparation for full time pastoral ministry. May the Lord richly bless you, your family and church in the years ahead. Great is His faithfulness! Shalom.

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