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Writer's pictureCarol Loh

He Works In Ways We Cannot See

by Carol Loh, MMS Missionary in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

In Cambodia, the National Examinations for Grade 12 students always happen in December. However, in order to be eligible to sit for this National Examinations, these Grade 12 students have to pass their school’s final semester examinations that are in October.

In October, our Grade 12 hostelites from COS-Youth Hostel had to go back to school to prepare themselves for the school’s final semester examinations from 11 to 15 October 2021. Meanwhile, the Grade 10 and 11 hostelites continued to stay back at the hostel as classes were conducted online.

On 8 October, however, two of our Grade 11 girls were tested positive for COVID-19. The health authority came to the hostel to cordon off the premise, and sent the two girls for treatment at a nearby centre.

As everyone in COS-Youth Hostel was in close contact with the two girls, we had to quarantine ourselves and nobody was able to go out. And this included the Grade 12 hostelites who had to sit for their school’s examinations in a few days’ time!

We appealed to the school’s principal for our hostelites to do their school’s examinations online. He requested some documents to certify the quarantine, which we submitted to him. Even though the documents were given to him, he commented that he could not promise them that they could take their school’s examinations online. He even said that it might be better for them to repeat Grade 12!

We prayed hard for God to open a way for the hostelites to sit for their school’s examinations.

Out of the blue, we heard news that the school had to be closed temporarily because two teachers were tested positive for COVID-19. Hence, the school’s examinations would be held online!

God answered our prayers in such an immediate and unexpected way. Though we greatly rejoiced at the news, we also prayed for the recovery of the two teachers.


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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1 Kommentar

10. Jan. 2022

Dear Carol, Thank you for sharing the testimony of God's powerful intervention in time of need. Thank you for mobilizing the COS-Youth Hostel to pray for healing of those affected by the Covid-19 as well as for heath and wisdom in sitting for the Exams. Praise God that in His good time, He makes all things well. Have a blessed New Year. Please convey my regards to all. Shalom.

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