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Sima Thapa


by Sima Thapa, Graduate of Sophia’s Home, Nepal.

The clock showed six in the morning; it was time for me to head to my collage. I was studying Science in Grade 12 and my final examination was to be held in a few months’ time. As usual, I got ready and headed out. I walked down the same road that I had taken for nearly two years. It all felt the same except that day was going to be different. Different in a life-changing way.

I am Sima Thapa. A recent graduate of Sophia’s Home. I stayed at Sophia’s Home for 13 years. Coming from a non-Christian family, I first heard about Christ in Sophia’s Home. And I learnt more about Christ and His good deeds ever since I stayed there. As an adult, I have accepted Christ as my personal Saviour and one true Living God.

It was a cold winter morning. I had just reached the main road, which I had to cross to the other side. The road had been recently reconstructed into a six-lane road, and hence there was no overhead bridge. I had crossed that road a lot of times before. And on that day, I did the same.

I did not really remember the details. However, when I gained consciousness, I was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Later, I was told that I was hit by a bus!

Apparently, some boys had helped me and sent me to the hospital after that accident. My head was bandaged as I had many cuts on my head. I had stiches on my forehead and my whole face was swollen along with my right hand. I remembered how my grandmother could not recognise me when she came to visit. She walked right pass me and went looking for me at the other beds.

I was actually shocked that I had been hit by a bus. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not recall it. The limited visitation hours at the ICU prevented me from meeting my family. It was only gradually that I got to meet my family, relatives, sisters, and church members. They were very worried for me. They comforted, prayed, and visited me despite their busy life. Seeing their love and compassion for me, I too wanted to cry but I held on to my tears. I am thus really grateful towards them. Slowly, by the grace of God, I was completely healed.

This accident was life-changing for me. Earlier on when I had dengue, Uncle, Auntie, and my sisters helped me through my stay in the hospital. But this time, when I was at the hospital fighting to be healthy, God was in my solitude. He gave me strength. Surviving the bus accident was in itself a miracle. God saved me and gave me a new life and strength. I was also able attend my final examination.

Through this incident, I have come to know that God really cares for His children. He always answers our prayers as He did to mine.


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1 комментарий

23 окт. 2023 г.

Dear Sima, Thank you for sharing your powerful and inspirational testimony. Praise God that He has watched over you and healed you in His special way. Glad that family, church leaders and members cared and prayed for you for speedy recovery. May the Lord continue to enrich your life as you put your faith in Him. May He grant you favor and success in your path ahead. Take care. Shalom. Jiamashi.

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