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Katherene Malvecino


Updated: Jul 18, 2023

by Katherene Malvecino, Violin’s Sunday School Teacher.

The sound of a violin brings peace and healing to the soul. The balance of its depth and pitch makes the melody full and vibrant. I am always amazed at the sound of the violin.

Violin, a sweet 10-year-old girl, has been attending our Sunday School since she was 3 years old. She is from a Christian family and she has always been amused with the stories from the Bible. She is raised well by her parents. She has taken on many household responsibilities at a young age as she is often left home alone with her younger sister Organ, while her mother works long shifts as a nurse at the inpatient ward of the Phrao Hospital, and her father spends many days on end inter-province tending to his coffee plantation. Violin is also quite tough with her stubborn classmates. She cries to defend what is right and disciplines those who do wrong.

There was an instance when we visited Violin at her house and she was there doing their laundry. She was embarrassed at first because she was not used to other people seeing her do her chores, but she welcomed us to pray for her for a short while. After the prayer, she told me, “God Bless You!” My heart melted upon hearing it from this young Thai girl who spoke English so clearly. I gave the blessing back to her with a big smile and said ‘thank you’.

Visiting Violin

One Sunday, after our Sunday School programme, we were sending the kids out as their parents picked them up. Violin looked at me and said it again “God Bless You!” Her words made me think of the “childlike faith” that Jesus said we must have in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Thank God for this blessed Violin!

May we learn from this little girl to pass God’s wonderful blessing to everyone as well - be it through our actions, through our giving, or just through the simple words “God Bless You!”

Through the praise of children and infants

you have established a stronghold against your enemies,

to silence the foe and the avenger.

Psalm 8:2


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1 comentario

11 oct 2022

Dear Katherene

Thank you for sharing the wonderful testimony of Violin. Praise God for such a tender loving expression of love in the family, church and community. May the Lord our God richly bless her in her growing up years, and may the joy, grace and peace of Christ be with her and her loved ones. God Bless You indeed! I

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