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Commit your way to the Lord

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

I am 21 years old and live with my mother. I grew up in a family of another faith and I was a staunch believer who practised religious rites and rituals devotedly.

When I was studying in Year 10, my friends invited me to join an English programme at the Little Candles Methodist Church on Saturday mornings, which I joined sometimes. After the programme, Ps Daniel and Ps Apple would invite us to join the worship service on Sundays.

On one Sunday that I attended, Ps Apple preached on Psalm 115:4-8. She mentioned that God is real and He can help us. Initially I was angry because I felt that she was complaining about my faith and I could not accept that preaching.

However, two weeks later, God changed my heart. I began to see that He can really help me. Ps Apple then asked me if I would like to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. I did not receive Jesus at that moment, but instead, I went to consult a witchdoctor and offered food to my idols. But the message I heard that Sunday kept ringing in my heart, and I finally threw away my idols and prayed to receive Jesus into my heart, just as how Ps Apple taught me to do.

After that, I joined a church camp held at Rangsit Methodist Church in Bangkok. And I was baptised there on 6 May 2016. Thereafter, I joined the Sunday worship service at Little Candles Methodist Church every week. And I began to participate in the youth activities as well as helped cook for the church.

I remember my past when my mother and I had only 20 Baht ($S1) for food. But since I became a Christian, I have learnt to trust in God who has been providing me with much more than I need each day.

After my high school graduation, I decided to study an online course with the Bangkok Bible Seminary. Through the study, I have learnt to read the Bible much more intently, as well as come to appreciate worship songs which give me a great sense of joy. My prayer life has also deepened my trust in God; I am confident that He always answers my prayers in His timing. I have also decided to commit myself to full-time ministry, as serving God gives me a life that is fulfilling and worth living.

One day, I hope that I will be able to bring the Word of God to the people of Phrao and tell everyone about His love for us. Finally, I would like to encourage everyone to “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him. And He will make you righteous reward shine like the dawn!” (Psalm 37:5-6, NIV)


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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1 Kommentar

10. Jan. 2022

Dear Mon, Greetings in Jesus Name! As I reviewed the post, I realized my comments were not found. I thought I had written you a note of encouragement sometime ago. Anyway, better late than never! Yes, commit our ways to the Lord, and He shall direct straight our path. Thank you for sharing your journey. May the Lord so direct your steps in the New Year and that His will and purpose be fulfilled in your life. May the Lord grant you strength and wisdom in your endeavors. Blessed New Year. Shalom.

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