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by Nary, Member of Glory Trinity Methodist Church, Cambodia.

On 23 September 2021, I was tested positive for COVID-19. I did not want to go to the treatment centre because I was physically weak and I knew that the doctors there could not give their best care to the patients as they were afraid to be infected. Moreover, I have allergic reaction to many kinds of medicine; so if the doctors were not attentive enough, I might have problems with their medicine.

However, four days later, my condition worsened to the stage that I could die if I did not have oxygen supplementation. Despite that, I was adamant not to go to the treatment centre. Instead, I asked for prayers from my pastor, and brothers and sisters-in-Christ. I thought that if I die, I could still be in their midst worshipping and praying with them. I did not fear death because I know where I will be going, and that I will not be alone as I have Christ.

Strangely, after the prayers, I decided to go to the treatment centre. However, the ambulance did not come to get me, which meant I had to go to the treatment centre myself. So, I prayed for God to help me to breathe easier so that I could make the trip there. Suddenly, I felt a gush inside flowing from my head to throat, causing me to be able to breathe better, which made it possible for me to travel to the treatment centre without the need for an oxygen tank.

At the treatment centre, I became very weak but I continued to wait upon the Lord and worshipped Him continuously. As I was praying and worshipping God together with my younger sister, I noticed a woman standing in front of me. She asked me, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?” I answered, “Yes.” Though in my own terrible circumstances, I waited for an opportunity to share the good news with her. That night, after I shared the good news with her, something wonderful happened - I received God’s healing from my head to my toes, and I felt better. The next day, I had more strength than before, and I started to share the good news to six others in the treatment centre, including someone who previously studied to become a monk. I had the opportunity to tell of the wonderful things that God has done in the Bible.

It dawned upon me that my contracting of COVID-19 and going to the treatment centre was not a coincidence. It was all in God’s plan for my life so that those in the treatment centre could hear the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. After spending about a month with them in the treatment centre, one of them received Jesus as Saviour. Usually, sick people would want to get better and quickly leave the hospital to go home, but the patients at the treatment centre did not want to leave! They had fellowship, received love, and felt joyful, unlike when they were in their own homes.

I am glad that I could serve God, and even in the situation that I was in, I could still share the good news of the love of Jesus Christ to others. I thank God that He continued to give me life so that I could continue to live here on earth. I know that God has a plan for my life. Just after I left the treatment centre, God called me to go for training in Bible School. In my own strength, I think I would not be able to do it, but I know that I only need to do one thing, that is, to just obey. “Lord, here am I, please use me according to Your plan, Amen.”


🙏 Pray for the writer and his/her ministry.

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1 Comment

May 23, 2022

Dear Nary Praise God for turning your challenging circumstances into opportunities to share the love of Christ. Indeed, we will often not fully comprehend God's plan for our lives, but as we surrender our hearts to Him, He has promised that He shall direct our paths! I celebrate your commitment to serve the Lord and to enroll for the Bible School so as to be a more effective servant of Christ. My prayers are with you as you submit yourself to the will of God. Take care. God bless!

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